A Diary of Chuji’s Travels (忠次旅日記) (Chuji Tabi Nikki) (1927)

Daisuke Itō's three part series tells the story of robin hood style folk hero Kunisada Chuji. Praised at release in 1927, the was lost until partially found in the 1990s. The film follows anecdotal tales of Chuji's honor and dignity as he leads his band of fugitives. Instead of self glory and self preservation at

Haunted Spooks (1920) – Short Film

The Girl, played by Mildred Davis, discovers that she will inherit her grandfather's estate if she can live in his mansion for one year with her husband. There are two problems with this. First, she doesn't have a husband, and second, her uncle (Wallace Howe) wants the estate for himself and will inherit it if

Battling Butler (1926)

Alfred Butler, played by Keaton, is a young member of an affluent family and an example of the idle rich. His father sends him off to camp in the wilderness so that he can learn to "become a man and learn to take care of himself." Off he goes with his valet, played by Edward